Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Saturday!

This was the first day that the children were here all day.  It was good to figure out what they do on Saturdays and it was nice having everyone here all the time to figure things out.

I organized some things and started to see what supplies we need and what is running low.  I also took heights and weights of the children who are taking additional supplements to increase their weight/growth.  I emailed the results off to Kristina, who is absolutely wonderful, and she said that she has seen improvement!  It was so exciting to hear that.

I find myself learning how to parent the children?  It is funny because I have never had my own so my first time being a “parent” I have 41 children!  I am learning what works and what does not work….I get exhausted just with repeating the same things over and over…lol!

The children helped clean this morning, which was great!  It is so good to see take responsibility and care for their things. 

We played a lot today which is always so fun!  Tomorrow they have church and here in Haiti it is a really big deal (which it should be).  They get out their best outfits and shoes and iron them for hours.  They only wear these outfits on Sundays so we have to get them out of the storage closet.  After I took my shower tonight they helped me get ready.  The girls blow dried my hair and I showed them how I straighten my hair and brush it.  They got a huge kick out of this!  They spend so much time doing their hair, but it is just so much different then mine.  They also helped me pick out an outfit for church and then Blondine ironed it for me. It was great because I held up certain outfits and they were like “NO NO”.  I guess there is definitely a standard here!

As my nursing role, I am mainly just doing first aid things.  Children with bumps and bruises, workers with headaches and stomachaches.  Simple things like that.  Chrisalines eye is improving, but it is still swollen, I think in the next couple of days it will be healed which is awesome.  Keep praying for her. 

Maycko one of the little boys is not feeling well tonight.  He was running a fever, so I have been caring for him tonight.  When one of them is not feeling good, they usually have another child they turn to.  Gerno is being that person for Maycko tonight which has been a huge help and it is incredible to watch!  Please pray that he will feel better tomorrow and that it is nothing serious.

We are going to be talking with the all the great supporters at the Healing Haiti Sweethearts Ball tonight.  The children are excited and so am I!  I hope skype works, because you never know here!  If you are at that ball thanks so much!

As I write this they are practicing their music with Fanfan for church tomorrow!  I am just listening to them and it is so great!

They will be finished soon!

Much Love, Gretchen

The Amazing Sunset!

Me and some girls

Guilliume, the one who started the orphanage and some of the boys

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